Metaverse and Mental Health

If Covid taught us anything, other than the importance of good hygiene & how to properly wear a face mask, it is the importance of physical, personal interaction. As the world went into lockdown, as office and school spaces closed down many things we took for granted, socialising with friends and colleagues, popping to the shops and even going to the movies became impossible, interpersonal interaction came from a given in day to day life, to a risk to both parties.

As with all challenges we face in life, Covid forced us to adapt, daily commutes and stand ups were replaced with Zoom calls, socialising was done with immediate neighbours and at a 2 metre distance. Throughout all of this one of the most deadly diseases was spreading fast, depression. As we hid from one pandemic another was brewing, according to the WHO, Covid caused a 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.

A few years on from the peak of the Covid pandemic we are still searching for ways not only to prevent the next pandemic, but also to deal with isolation and loneliness which we now know can be thrust upon us with little warning. One way we can alleviate the causes of depression is by interacting in a social environment, through the Metaverse we can do this in a safe and easy way. In Lucas Perez’s new book he discusses how Virtual Worlds can be used in Health Care, Sport and Wellness.

To buy to the book internationally follow this link: Real Health, Virtual World: A Metaverse for Healthcare?

To purchase from France follow this link: Real Health,Virtual World

For more reading by Lucas Perez view his guest post here: Welcome to the Healthcare, Wellness & Sport Metaverse!


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